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John Volpe: The life of an immigrant's son - vlope_cropped

John Volpe: The life of an immigrant's son


Author and journalist Kilgore here offers a biography of John Volpe, businessman, governor of Massa chussetts (1961-63, 1965-69), secre tary of transportation during the early Nixon years, and ambassador to Italy (1973-77). The work is a straightfor ward, noncontroversial account, spanning the period from the arrival of Volpe's parents from Italy in the early years of the century to his chairmanship of the Italian Disaster Earthquake Association in the after math of the earthquake in the early 1980s. The work will be of interest to followers of the Massachusetts politi cal scene, and to those with an inter est in the Nixon years and American immigrant history. Recommended for libraries reflecting those inter ests.Scott Wright, History Dept., Coll. of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn.